The Smurfs is animated series at first created and introduced as a series of comic characters by the Belgian comics artist Peyo. The television series was released for the first time in North America from September 12, 1981 until December 19, 1990. In all these years have been produced 421 episodes divided in nine seasons.
The story is based on a fictional colony of small blue humanoids who live in mushroom-shaped houses in the forest. The Smurfs are composed of more than a hundred characters whose names are based on adjectives that emphasize their characteristics, such as "Joker Smurf", who likes to play jokes on his friends. Then there is "Smurfette", she was the first female to be introduced in the series.
The Smurfs have blue skin, they are three apples and a little more, wearing white trousers with a hole to let out their little tail and a white hat.
The Smurfs are very peaceful people who live together in the woods, but like all the characters you meet, they have a bitter enemy, a man named Gargamel who, with his evil cat named Azrael, always tries to capture the Smurfs.