PAW Patrol is a Canadian animated series produced by Spin Master Entertainment with animation made by Guro Studio and created by Keith Chapman.
The protagonists of the series are Ryder, a ten year old boy and his rescue dog team, known as PAW Patrol. Their job is to intervene when necessary to protect the shoreside community of Adventure Bay, where they live.
Every dog has a specific skill that allows him to contribute to the mission. As often as Ryder receives a call for help on his "Paw Pad", a technological super tablet, he calls all the PAW Patrol team in the Headquarters.
In top of the tower each dog wear their suit and a backpack full of useful tools called "pup packs". Depending on the problem to solve Ryder chooses dogs that will help him in the mission.
In turn the chosen dogs descend a ramp and land on their nest that, in the meantime, has become the vehicle that characterizes them. All together, with Ryder driving his quad, depart for the mission.
When they have finished, Ryder says his catchphrase: "Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!" and congratulates the dogs. <\p>